

Circumcision is the process of removing the foreskin (preputium) that surrounds the penis end by cutting. Circumcision, which has many benefits in terms of general hygiene, carries risks such as bleeding, infection and permanent damage to the penis when performed in unsuitable conditions and by inexperienced persons.

What are the benefits of circumcision?

  • It reduces the risk of developing urinary tract infections.
  • It reduces the risk of transmission of sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV, HPV, herpes, and gonorrhea.
  • It has been scientifically proven to reduce the risk of developing penile cancer in men and cervical cancer in their partners.

What is the best age range for circumcision?

Although circumcision is a procedure that can be applied at any age, the most appropriate period can be expressed as the first 2 years in order to minimize the risk of developing psychological trauma and infection. Scientific studies have shown that the neonatal period is the most appropriate time for circumcision.

The age of 2-6 is the period when awareness of sexual identity begins (phallic period) in children, and if circumcision is performed under unsuitable conditions in this age range, some psychological negativity can be seen in adult life. If circumcision is required in this age range, it is beneficial not to choose local anesthesia.

Should local anesthesia or general anesthesia be preferred?

Since babies are immobile in the first 3 months after birth, local anesthesia can be performed easily. In older children, circumcision can be performed under local anesthesia by providing appropriate pain control. However, it is preferred to be performed under sedation or general anesthesia in order for the child to undergo this process more comfortably without experiencing surgical trauma. Especially between the ages of 2-6, it is not recommended to perform the procedure under local anesthesia in this age group because it is a period of gaining sexual identity.

Which technique shall be applied under which conditions?

Many methods are defined about the circumcision technique. The basic principle in all of these is based on cutting the foreskin of the penis and its mucosa to the appropriate length and attaching them to each other. Whatever technique is used, the basic principles must be followed, otherwise bleeding, infection, permanent damage to the penis, and even life-threatening situations may occur.

What are these basic principles?

  • Circumcision must be done by experienced specialist physicians.
  • The most appropriate technique should be chosen according to the shape of the penis , and circumcision should not be performed using methods without scientific basis.
  • Circumcision should be performed in the operating room environment, following basic surgical principles. Circumcision environment and materials should be sterile.
  • A good bleeding control must be done. After a proper bleeding control, bandaging would not be required.
  • Penile foreskin and mucosa should be cut to an appropriate length and aesthetic looks should be taken into account.
  • Appropriate anesthesia and painkillers should be applied, so that the child should survive this process with a minimum trauma.

NOTE: The page content is for informational purposes only, please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.