PNL Perkütan Nefrolitotomi Ankara


The incidence of kidney stone disease is increasing all over the world due to improper diet and sedentary lifestyle. Turkey is of the kidney stone disease is among the most-watched geographic regions. Kidney stone disease, which impairs the quality of life by causing severe pain, leads to serious and irreversible kidney disorders. Although the disease is more common in men, it has increased in recent years, especially in adolescents and women. Associate Professor Berkan Reşorlu from Memorial Ankara Hospital Urology Department gave information about kidney stone disease and laser stone breaking method:

The biggest reason for the increase is obesity and malnutrition!

The incidence of stone disease, which has doubled in the world in the last 30 years, is more common in men, but has increased especially in adolescents and women in recent years. The main reasons for this situation are rapidly rising obesity, eating habits rich in carbohydrates and salt and a sedentary lifestyle. Insulin resistance due to malnutrition and sedentary lifestyle eliminates the protective effect of insulin, which is a female hormone, and causes a predisposition to stone formation in women. While stone disease was 7 times more common in men than women in the 1950s, today this rate has decreased to 1.5 times.

Inactivity and technology addiction threaten children.

Frequent consumption of foods that should not be normally consumed such as fast-food style malnutrition in children, chips, crackers, chocolate, carbonated drinks, sugar-sweetened artificial products, and the time spent playing games in front of computers, televisions or mobile phones, stone disease is more common in children. leads.

The geography and climate experienced are among the causes of kidney stones.

Although the cause has not been determined exactly, many factors such as genetics, congenital diseases, living geography, climate, race and profession play a role in the formation of kidney stones. However, not enough fluid consumption, high consumption of salt and refined sugar, nutrition rich in animal protein, living and working in warm environments, sedentary lifestyle, urinary tract infections, some metabolic diseases and structural disorders of the kidney are among the reasons.

It can cause severe debilitating pain.

Kidney stones can sometimes be detected incidentally without any symptoms, or they can sometimes fall into the urinary tract and cause very severe pain. The characteristic of the pain is usually colic, it comes in waves and occurs in a writhing way. Other than pain, the most important symptoms are nausea, vomiting, burning while urinating, blood in the urine.

Stone analysis is important in terms of preventing recurrence of the disease.

In addition to detailed examination, imaging methods such as laboratory and ultrasonography and drug-free tomography are used to diagnose kidney stones. Performing some metabolic examinations in blood and urine and analyzing the stone are important in terms of preventing recurrence of the disease in the future.

Treatment is planned according to the size, location and type of stone.

The treatment of kidney stones is planned considering the location, size, type and a number of factors belonging to the patient. Percutaneous stone breaking surgery with sound waves and laser stone breaking are the treatment techniques used for this purpose. One of the most advanced methods used in this area is stone crushing with laser. In laser technique, by means of a flexible thin endoscope, without making any incisions or holes in the body, each chamber of the kidney is entered through the urinary canal, and the stones here are broken or removed with the help of laser.

It is a technique with a high chance of success and a low rate of side effects.

While the patient can be discharged on the same day, he can return to his normal daily life the next day, since no incision or piercing is performed on the patient during the laser stone crushing procedure. It is a surgical technique with a very high chance of success and a very low rate of undesirable side effects. It can be safely applied to all patients with stones up to 3 cm located outside the lower chamber of the kidney, except for patients with active urinary tract infections.

It is possible to prevent stone formation!

• Drink plenty of water. Increasing half a liter of fluid intake per day reduces stone formation by 86 percent. It is necessary to consume 3 liters of fluid in summer and 2.5 liters of liquid in winter, which is enough to produce two liters of urine per day.
• Contrary to popular belief, stone patients can consume milk and yogurt at normal levels.
• The consumption of excessive salt, animal protein and refined sugar should be avoided.
• It is beneficial to consume 1 lemon daily due to its citrate content, which protects against stone formation.
• Stone disease is more common in those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. For this reason, attention should be paid to regular sports and to get rid of excess weight.
• The consumption of excessive, fatty and processed foods that may cause obesity should be avoided.

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